
For 40 years, Berenice M. Suarez, Owner of Berenice Electrolysis & Personal Beauty Center, has been taking care of beautifying her clients for four generations. From electrolysis, laser hair removal, waxing, body sculpting, and more, Berenice and her team are the go to team on

Forrest Gump once sat on a bench and lovingly recalled his mama’s wise words: “Life is like a box of chocolate; you never know what you’re going to get.” You truly never know what kind of adventure awaits once you open yourself up to all

After reading this article you will know exactly who to call to give you your dream vacation of a lifetime. Arquetta Bowman has been making dreams come true by providing her clients with the best possible luxurious vacation experience. Whether your destination is Dubai, Miami,

Proverbs 31:30 affirms, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” And a woman emboldened by her faith is not only praiseworthy, she is indestructible; just ask Nandy Mason. Mason, who is THE talent relations

Dr. Roya J. Hassad Doctor Roya J. Hassad is an award-winning family physician educator, speaker, evangelist, and philanthropist. With three locations on Long Island, Queens, and Manhattan, Doctor Hassad is the Medical Director and Founder of the Hope, Life and Dream Centers, the most prominent anti-aging

It’s 11 o’clock at night, you finally get home from a long day of being famous. You decide to take a moment to relax and mindlessly scroll through Instagram. A few minutes later, you find yourself in your comment section going shade for shade with

Taheed Watson is one of the newest brightest minds in the fashion industry. His vision of style and flair can be seen through his brand, Heed NYC. The company was conceived in 2017 and officially launched in 2020. From its inception, Heed NYC has been

Chef Adrian Ignat is the founder of Taste of Truffles which is a wholesaler and retailer of truffles. After attending Sofia’s University in Bulgaria to study Sociology, he moved to the United States in 2000 under the exchange student program. Armed with a backpack, he
